Monday, August 13, 2007


Several words describe the week!!... Extraordinary, Fun Filled, Exciting, Breathtaking just to name a few. The getaway was Hollywood Beach in Oxnard California. The Temecula Crew drove up the coast on August 5Th to meet Grandpa and Grandma at the rented beach house retreat that sat just seconds from the beach. The house was absolutely perfect for all of us with plenty of room to spare. We enjoyed evening walks, a roller skate excursion to the farmers market, scooter rides down Ocean Avenue. Daddy, Madison and Meridian digging for sand crab's and catching crab's along the jetties. The 1 hour boat ride through the Channel with Daddy, Madison and Meridian at the helm and dining out at the Whales Tail and the Fisherman's House. Of course the weather couldn't have been more perfect. The most cherished memories however, will be of the time we spent with Grandma and Grandpa!

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